Saturday, December 31, 2011


Saturday, 31 December 2011.

The last day of 2011. Monday marks the two-year anniversary of the start of First Coast Kodokan Judo, and I am very proud of the progress that we have made in judo. We are far from being super-proficient, but we are deadly enough that our coaches (Greg and Robert) take us serious and do not play around.

In today's BJJ practice, we had a round-robin between me, Jason, and Ethan. I fixed a few items that were wrong, but otherwise, it was an open roll.

In judo, we went over tai-otoshi and our foot-sweep options. We also entertained a visitor without experience (no disintegrations employed).

Monday, December 26, 2011


Friday, 23 December 2011

We had me, Ethan, Jason, Nick, Jacqui, and three visitors for Friday's BJJ class. The visitors were two judoka (Brian and his 17-year-old son, Cody), and Brandon (blue belt under Jim Smiley, Putnam county deputy, and Nick's co-worker). Jim Smiley dropped in and observed for a bit. I taught escapes from various positions for a couple of hours and I rolled with Cody and Brian.  I found out later, unfortunately, that Brian had a quarrel with Nick, calling him "arrogant" while Nick was teaching him.  Had I known, I would have gone much more violent with Brian, or would have allowed Nick the opportunity to practice with him.

Monday, December 19, 2011

We will be meeting on Friday morning, 23 December, at 10:30 am for BJJ and judo classes.

Monday, December 12, 2011


We will no longer be having a Monday morning class due to non-attendance.


Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ethan and I were the only ones who bothered to show up on Saturday. We received what boiled down to a private lesson from a world champion (our coach). We worked on most of our major throws, and we emphasized te waza (hand techniques) to finish throws. Ethan and I also discovered why dropping low and keeping the tripping foot forward on tai otoshi works.

Great practice overall, and we even worked the "sneaky technique" we discovered a few weeks ago.