Monday, June 29, 2015


Class consisted of me, Nick, Jason, John, and Tony. I did something new in terms of teaching methodology to see if it has a greater didactic effect on my students. Judging by responses later in the day, there was a positive effect. I first taught two turtle attacks. The first was a modified spiral ride designed to take the opponent's back. The second technique led to achieving a chicken wing that could quickly move into a kimura. After having the students practice these techniques, I had them live roll for 10 minutes. I then reviewed the "basic" smash pass, stressing pressure application throughout the technique. I then had them switch partners and roll again. We then moved on to judo, where we worked on o-goshi onto the crash pad, each of us cycling and throwing a few dozen times. We also worked on modifications and had the uke attack throwing punches, which encouraged tori to resort to self-defense techniques to close the distance and achieve the throw. Again, there were positive reviews with the new structure, and I wish to test it further to see if greater learning occurs.

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