Friday, November 8, 2024


As we transition into our new spot on December 2, we have to beg/borrow/steal time to train.  I pulled the mats out onto my driveway and had some truly dedicated guys join in.  I recovered basics and had Duy and Sam do two five-minute rounds.

Sam's Recap:

Recap- wonderful of Prof to invite us to his house for BJJ. It was disarming in fact. More on that later.

Beautiful weather and even enthusiastic neighbors yelling "get the tap" as they drove by.
Amazing how quickly technique can get away from you. 

Prof had us start with the normal arm bar warm up and not only could I not remember how to do it, I was also gassed after a few of them. Cross collar chokes were demonstrated, the Pedro Sauer escape from mount, S mounts and things to do and not to do from S mounts. Good refreshers for Duy and me. 

Then rolling began and I started to realize Prof's greater plan. New environment, same ole Prof and same ole submission. Yes for those of you slow on the uptake, I suffered what was probably my 100th bread cutter at the hands of Prof.  Duy even confirmed what I suspected when I asked Prof after the roll incredulously, "were there really no other submissions available?"

I have it from a reliable source (again Duy) that he sat in full mount and deliberated for a few moments on what he should do to me prior to going to a move that shows what a DSB he is at times.  Despite being bread cutter choked in front of the whole neighborhood and a couple of disinterested ducks that were in the front yard at the time, all and all it was another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 4

Josh M. (blue-2) = 24

Duy (white-3) = 29

Sam (white-3) = 23

Eddie (white-1) = 27

Chad (white-1) = 26

Brady (white-1) = 10

Abner (white) = 9

Caleb (white) = 6

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