Sunday, September 29, 2024


Today was a training session with me, Jason, Josh M., Sam, and Chad.  We had a total of 15 rounds.

Sam's Recap:

Recap- Prof, Jason, Josh, Chad and I all participated in simulated murder. 

As a back drop to understanding the recap, I would ask everyone to watch the Cannonball Run and observe the character Dom Deluise plays and his transformation to "Him," super hero cape and all as "Captain Chaos."

The pain train (my FJ with me in it) arrived promptly at 9:50 am with high hopes. I had been utilizing physiological warfare against Prof since Monday in the control room when I told him that it was possible that I was actually good at BJJ and expert even, but had been holding back for a whole year and that it was time for me to really let the beast out. He was visibly shaken at that thought as I walked out that night.  

Then the countdown started as has become our custom on Friday night with the hours until 10:00 am when doom would be unleashed. 
I am sure he didn't sleep well. 
Well 10:00 am rolled around and the fun started. Jason and Prof did the typical "Black Belt target practice" stuff they normally do.  However, Chad, Josh, and I tried our best to hold them off on behalf of ourselves and lower belts every where. 

A steady diet of arm bars, attempted wrist locks, leg locks and a sweet rear naked choke by Jason were applied to me. 

In my next to last round, Prof decided that I wasn't worthy of him giving me his full attention, so he began to banter back and forth and carry on an in-depth conversation with Jason and Josh Moss while rolling with me. Well, I took umbrage and even demanded during the roll that he focus on the BJJ instead of Jason's Chemical Engineering test. Then prof rolled again with Jason and we were seemingly done. 

I didn't like the way things had panned out in my last roll, so I tapped Prof on the shoulder to see if his dance card was open. I admit that I didn't really think that through. Jason immediately piled on with a few comments to get Prof even more frothy and then Prof turned into "Him".  (Again, pls watch the cannonball run because explaining it would ruin everything).

So to summarize: I had five BJJ rolls and a division one wrestling match today. I didn't fare well in the BJJ rolls, and the wrestling match was awful. I did, however, have his full attention. 

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Chad's Recap:

It was really great to get back at it with live murder demos with the crew after a 4 weeks layoff.

1. Today's roll time really proved to me that BJJ training is a life style, not a hobby.... meaning you have to keep up on conditioning & strength training 24/7 or regression of skills & muscle memory will abandon you quickly.

2. No Gi rolls really showcase how awful I am at both securing my defensive position and how non- existent my offensive positioning skills are.

3. On a positive take away, after losing every roll multiple times (including a 10 sec warning roll with Jason where he ramped to a higher gear the last 10 sec to crank an arm bar tap on me).... I got to roll a 2nd time with Prof who took the time to teach me some astrophysics on why it is impossible for anything to go the "speed of light" while I struggled to advance past his butterfly guard..... so at least I was able take something knowledgeable away from that.

But I agree another great day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 4

Josh M. (blue-2) = 21

Duy (white-3) = 28

Sam (white-3) = 19

Eddie (white-1) = 27

Chad (white-1) = 25

Brady (white-1) = 5

Caleb (white) = 6

Abner (white) = 6

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