Saturday, May 18, 2024

FRIDAY, 17 MAY 2024

 Today's class had me, Sam, and Eddie.

The first hour was simply six, five-minute roll sessions between me and Sam as we waited Eddie's arrival.

The teaching aspect focused on a sleeve grip to back take or, if blocked, into a half-guard sweep.  When Sam had to depart, Eddie and I focused on reviewing the triangle choke and omoplata before four, five-minute rolls.

Student recap is as follows:

Recap- the transmission of eye gonorrhea to infants was covered today and I did confirm that it along with 15th century birth rates for both peasants and nobility WILL be on the blue belt test should any of us progress to that point.

Now to the BJJ. Had to go early and roll with Prof. Him "forgetting" to set a time on the first roll was an omen.  We had five rolls and then Edward came and we drilled. If you ever had the experience of being taken to a store as a kid and promised something only to not get it or to have it taken away you can empathized with what I am about to share. In side control prof allowed me to grab his lapel with one hand and feed my other hand under his back to enact my inaugural "Pearson" choke on him.  Visions of what I would do after I applied it and he tapped were dancing through my head, would I act like it was no big deal? Would I let out a Rick Flair wooohoooo? Well, we will never know. He gave me false hope only to get out of it and leave me grasping for air. How did he do it? I don't even know, he just did. I think it was one of the more dirty things he has done to me. 

Prof demonstrated a duck under to load our opponent in side control and I was suddenly happy that Chad was a no call/no show, no doubt he would have used it as an opportunity to tune me up. Brady was not there either, something about sick and needing penicillin. I'll leave that right there. All and all another good day of BJJ.

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