Friday, May 31, 2024


Today's session was a simple open mat that permitted free sparring, flow rolling, drilling positions, and situational sparring.  We had Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady partaking.

Recap-Thanks to Prof for letting us big kids (Brady I'm including you in that statement) out for recess on a Wednesday. 

Highlight of the day was someone getting a bread cutter applied not named Sam. First time for everything. I wonder what was going through profs. mind? "Oh, no this isn't Sam, I choked the wrong guy!"

The flow rolls were fun today, and Edward and I achieved a level of civility that we had not previously experienced while rolling with each other. 

We covered US and UK dialects in discussion time, and I suspect that will be on the blue belt test also. No fans knocked down while I was there, no one kicked in the face, no bloody noses. The rules behind what happens to articles of clothing (BJJ belts) that are left on the floor were more thoroughly explained. 

All in all another good day of BJJ.

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