Thursday, May 16, 2024

MONDAY, 13 MAY 2024

 Today's class had Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

We covered the cross collar from full mount, reviewed a couple of mount escapes, and covered how to attack the opponent's turtle in order to set a clock choke.  

We did not roll since Brady was stuck on zombie mode from weekend concert attendance and the others had a work trip to begin.

Student recap:

Recap- once again I spent time in full mount on Prof and also submitted him with a clock choke.  If you must know the details it was during drilling not rolling. 

Young Brady had about as much life in him as an 92 year old on life support. Something about a mosh pit. 

Chad was a no call/no show. 

Edward was there. 

We revisited the fertility rates or women of child bearing age in 15th century England and again the peasants faired worse than nobility. 

No one was up to rolling. 

But we did learn clock choke from mount and a choke on someone in the turtle position, both were refreshers. Finally, we learned that the ass whipping Eddie and I have stored up for Charles will have to wait a bit. All and all another good day of BJJ. 

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