Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 3
Duy (white-3) = 16
Sam (white-2) = 28
Eddie (white-1) = 21
Chad (white-1) = 10
Brady (white) = 22
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 3
Duy (white-3) = 16
Sam (white-2) = 28
Eddie (white-1) = 21
Chad (white-1) = 10
Brady (white) = 22
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 3
Duy (white-3) = 16
Sam (white-2) = 28
Eddie (white-1) = 20
Chad (white-1) = 10
Brady (white) = 21
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 16
Sam (white-2) = 27
Eddie (white-1) = 19
Chad (white-1) = 10
Brady (white) = 20
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 16
Sam (white-2) = 27
Eddie (white-1) = 18
Chad (white-1) = 10
Brady (white) = 20
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 15
Sam (white-2) = 26
Eddie (white-1) = 17
Chad (white-1) = 9
Brady (white) = 19
Caleb (white) = 4
Tony (purple) = 2
Josh M. (blue-2) = 1
Duy (white-3) = 14
Sam (white-2) = 25
Eddie (white-1) = 16
Chad (white-1) = 9
Brady (white) = 18
Caleb (white) = 4
Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.
Today we covered four side control escapes and introduced another option but did not practice it in depth.
Sam's Recap:
Early recap- this will be two parts today. I will rely on young Brady to add any color needed since I had to leave early.
The value of the under hook was established in our drilling today and branched off into several if/then scenarios. Very eye opening. I was pressed on time so I got one roll in with young Brady who was a handful. I dressed and while I was putting on my shoes I saw something I had not seen before. Prof. took Duy's belt and used it as a lariat and roped it around his arm so it would be motionless as he took his back and submitted him.
That clearly falls under the category of a DSB tactic. So at this point in our journey we can safely say that we have not been coddled as we have been introduced to leg locks, heel hooks, innumerable wrist locks, the bastard and now the lasso.
All and all another good day of BJJ.
PS take it from here Brady.
Brady's Recap:
Brecap - The subsequent rolls were valuable and fun, one of which the penetrative properties of Eddie's appendages were mentioned.
On the next, Duy got a successful Americana on me that put my frail, brittle arm out of commission for the day.
It was also discussed that I would not win against a Komodo dragon, which I believe to be a fair assessment.
All in all another good day of BJJ
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 13
Sam (white-2) = 24
Eddie (white-1) = 16
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 17
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 12
Sam (white-2) = 23
Eddie (white-1) = 15
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 16
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 11
Sam (white-2) = 22
Eddie (white-1) = 15
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 15
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 10
Sam (white-2) = 21
Eddie (white-1) = 14
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 14
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 20
Eddie (white-1) = 13
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 13
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 19
Eddie (white-1) = 13
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 12
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 19
Eddie (white-1) = 13
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 11
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 18
Eddie (white-1) = 12
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 10
Caleb (white) = 3
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 17
Eddie (white-1) = 12
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 9
Caleb (white) = 2
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 9
Sam (white-2) = 16
Eddie (white-1) = 11
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 8
Caleb (white) = 2
Tony (purple) = 2
Duy (white-3) = 8
Sam (white-2) = 15
Eddie (white-1) = 10
Chad (white-1) = 8
Brady (white) = 8
Caleb (white) = 2
Student recap:
Recap time- new techniques were taught, new techniques were tried . But, before we get into it , I would be remiss is I didn't mention that Edward recommended that we buy our wives Ginny and Ann gis for the purposes of collar grabs and keeping them off balance and yanking them around. I was shocked at this and didn't know what to think.
Now that we have that out of the way, I joined select company today. I had prof in well earned side control again and wanted to try a new technique he taught us which is lifting our head to drop our weight on the opponent. I followed his instructions to the letter like the good Uke that I am and he slapped me. So, my timing may have been a bit off as I was accused of synchronizing the weight drop as he was verbally explaining technique to the rest of the Ukes so that I could hear his voice change.
Apparently, I joined Nicholas Nix as the second person to be slapped at AFR as he was slapped by Ethan a decade ago. So that basically makes me a black belt in my mind.
Chad enlightened us on a squirrel tattoo design that sounded promising. Brady was out getting a tattoo which is another unexcused absence. Caleb learned to bridge which I can't say will be a good thing for me going forward.
All in all another good day of BJJ.
BJJ: Saturday @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
TELEPHONE: 904-338-3664