Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Josh M., Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady. Chad must have overslept, gotten lost, and had his car break down.

Today focused on half-guard, with one sweep and a couple of back takes being drilled.  I briefly reviewed the hip bump sweep and will address more time on Friday.

Student Recap:

Recap- great to have Josh Moss back with us.

Also in attendance were young Brady, Edward (who again knocked over the fan), and a one eyed Duy. After I heard the story of his injured eye, I secretly wanted him to pull out an eye patch when we rolled. That would be straight up intimidating to roll with a guy his size sporting an eye patch. 

Prof demonstrated some half guard sweeps and we also worked in the hip bump sweep and other things I am forgetting at the moment. I think everyone got in roughly five rolls. 

Edward and I had a very civil roll together which only means the next one is liable to be a death match. I don't know why it's that way. Ok that's not true I usually escalate. Oh well, I will try to string together two civil rolls with him and maybe we will have a trend, who knows we might start cuddling together at work after a while.  

All and all another good day of BJJ. 

P.S. There were no call outs or belt throwing.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 15

Sam (white-2) = 26

Eddie (white-1) = 17

Chad (white-1) = 9

Brady (white) = 19

Caleb (white) = 4

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