Thursday, June 13, 2024


Today was a no gi training session/open mat with me, Sam, and Brady.  

Student Recap:

Recap- After many rolls today, lost count. A theme kind of developed. Prof weaved it in and out of nearly, probably, every roll. The theme was "Make Wrist Locks Great Again".  Brady and I firmly maintain that he had written a number down before we started that he was trying to hit. If the number was south of 13 by my count he was successful. 

He also applied "the bastard".  What is "the bastard" you ask? Prof will have to explain. The name is a place holder until he names it. In the meantime, nature abhors a vacuum so I went ahead and named it, and I would offer that the name fits the thought that goes through your head when you succumb to it.

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 20

Eddie (white-1) = 13

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 13

Caleb (white) = 3

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