Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Today was a simple no gi open mat session. Eddie, Sam, and Brady were in attendance at start time. Chad rolled up about 30 minutes late, and Duy arrived about an hour after training started due to a follow up with his doctor.

I am currently unaware of any shenanigans, though Sam did feel the need to press his forearm on my throat as I was coaching him AFTER a rolling session. My right hand was free and did not do anything untoward.  In my opening round with Brady, I did secure a foot lock he believes to be somewhat unnecessary.

Student Recap:

OK- lot of chatter out there.  Settle down.

Prof, myself, Chad (late), Brady, Eddy and Duy (late but approved ahead of time) all participated. No drilling just rolling. 

Edward and I added two more "civil" rolls to our tally and now stand at three. I am not opening a bottle of champagne up yet but it is certainly the beginning of a trend. 

Chad, on the other hand, came at me with a vengeance, nearly knocking me off the mat. 
Brady dressed like me for the third day straight and is taking the Big Ennis/Little Ennis thing seriously. 

Prof was.....well he was Prof. which means legs and arms were pulled off of each of us and wrist locks were applied at every turn. I didn't get to roll with Duy, but he is back to having two working eyes so good on that.  At this point I think I need to crowd source a bit since the ukes are already squawking so. You guys got anything to add?

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 27

Eddie (white-1) = 18

Chad (white-1) = 10

Brady (white) = 20

Caleb (white) = 4

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