Friday, June 7, 2024

FRIDAY, 07 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

The X-pass and two follow up standing passes when an opponent defends the X-pass were studied and practiced today.  Eddie and Sam had two, five-minute rounds today while Brady and I observed from the sidelines.

Student recap:

Recap- great guard passing techniques involving grips and opening bags of potato chips were taught. Attendance was sparse as Duy and Chad weren't with us. Nonetheless, we plowed on. 

The dojo was invaded with a bit of a Viking berserker spirit today that seemed to affect one of the combatants during rolling.  He didn't heed the "flow roll" rules as a result.  No one was injured, young Brady was "tired" due to working till midnight. And prof was very restrained other than threatening an impossible Breadcutter during extra curriculars on someone who he has traumatized with said choke. All in all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 17

Eddie (white-1) = 12

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 9

Caleb (white) = 2

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