Saturday, July 6, 2024


Today's class had me, Jason (black), Tony (purple), Josh (blue), and three white belts (Sam, Eddie, and Chad).

I taught two sweeps from butterfly guard and a modified pendulum sweep where the far leg is attacked, along with the arm bar.  Josh and Eddie did not roll live due to injuries.

Sam's Recap:

Recap pretty much a full house today.  We were missing Duy and young Brady (who Eddie and  I think was dodging discipline).  We had some OGs there with Jason and Tony and Josh.  Chad was back, along with Edward, Prof, and me.

We worked on sweeps from butterfly and some nifty things to do to break grips with our legs. I know we covered more but my mind is drawing a blank. Prof, I will have to depend on you to recap all the techniques we drilled (I need a little help). 

I do know that Jason reverse arm barred me AGAIN. Prof applied the usual bread cutters and wrist locks and I think we got in 5 rolls, maybe it was six. Eddie knocked over the fan. Chad didn't ring anyone's bells and someone shoulder blocked me in the parking lot as I was just trying to put my Gi up. 🤔 tomorrow promises to be even more fun.  

All in all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 3

Josh M. (blue-2) = 5

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 32

Eddie (white-1) = 23

Chad (white-1) = 11

Brady (white) = 24

Caleb (white) = 4

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