Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Today was a no gi open mat session with me, Josh M., Sam, Eddie, Chad, and Brady.

Brecap: please note that editorial discretion occurred.

Brecap - Today was a full house open mat session consisting of myself, Prof, Josh, Sam, Chad, and Eddie. I wanna say a total of 7-8 rolls total were done, including the final which just consisted of me being ambushed by Prof unknowingly. 

I believe that there were no wrist locks today.  However, toe holds and other "exotic" submissions were abundant. Eddie improved greatly on his Bluetooth fan attacks today. 

As we were leaving we were given some of the greatest marital wisdom in existence.  The speaker noted item placement and victory in arguments have one-to-one correspondence.

Some say that this is a direct verse from the lost Book of Chad, with biblical scholars debating whether it should be included in the modern day canon. 

All in all another good day of BJJ

Tony (purple) = 3

Josh M. (blue-2) = 7

Duy (white-3) = 17

Sam (white-2) = 35

Eddie (white-1) = 25

Chad (white-1) = 14

Brady (white) = 27

Caleb (white) = 4

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