Sunday, July 7, 2024


Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Chad, and Brady.
Strangely, Eddie still managed to knock down the fan, and he also heroically removed a popcorn kernel from a child's ear.  Now, on to BJJ.

I called upon Sam and Chad to teach some of the items from Friday's class.  I tasked Sam with butterfly guard items and Chad with the modified pendulum sweep.  I have typically asked purple and above to do so, but I experimented in order to "test" comprehension and my own teaching from the previous day.

Duy asked for north-south items, so I taught the most proper method for holding the position with a gi, moving to side control for arm bar or bread cutter choke, and also the north-south choke.  I also taught escapes from the position, along with principles to help with scrambles from there.

I rolled with everyone, and for a public shout out, I was pleased as an instructor with how Chad was positioning and dropping his weight (not so pleased as a recipient, though).

It seems that Brady's new nickname, LB, will stick. "Little Bastard" works, and as the small guy among "Hero Size" practitioners, it also works for lb., as in one pound.  

Sam's Recap:

Recap- good group today with Prof, Chad, Duy, myself and young Brady, who came into face the music of formal discipline. 

We missed Edward, Josh, and Caleb.

We reviewed yesterday's techniques and Prof asked me to teach one and Chad to teach the other. I could not remember what my name was and had to be continuously cued on what was next during my turn while Chad on the other hand did a good job with it. Oh well, it came to me on one on one drilling.  I just had a mind cramp or a senior moment when put on the spot.
We had some very light flow rolls and Chad regaled us with stories of a "Code Brown" at the hospital.  Like the Garfield and Jimmy John's stories, I couldn't do it justice to try to explain so you will just have to ask him. 

It came time to roll, at which point I announced I was not formally rolling today after the long week of BJJ. I thought all was well and that I could video others until I heard an exchange between Prof and young Brady about a smell in the dojo. Intuitively I knew they were talking about me, but didn't know what they meant. I had not farted and seemed to smell like my normal self. So, I inquired and found out they smelled fear on me.
Well, I bit and was hooked, I put my gi back on to go with Prof and the roll went pretty much like most of my rolls go with Prof, but at least I dispelled the fact of whether or not I was afraid. Let it be said I never fear an ass whipping and have grown accustomed to receiving them.

Afterwards as Prof was demonstrating the technique  of scarf hold, the 24 year old that previously I had referred to as young Brady took his belt and lassoed up my legs. I've never seen such shenanigans....or have I?

He will now be referred to as the little bastard, LB, or even "That Little Bastard" going forward. 

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 3

Josh M. (blue-2) = 5

Duy (white-3) = 17

Sam (white-2) = 33

Eddie (white-1) = 23

Chad (white-1) = 12

Brady (white) = 25

Caleb (white) = 4

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