Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Today's class had me, Josh M., Chad, Brady, and Abner.

I covered the flower and pendulum sweeps, along with back takes from common defenses.  We then went over the cross collar choke from full mount and then followed it with movement to the S Mount. From there, several arm attacks were presented.  Three, five-minute round robin rounds were provided.


Abner's Recap- Chad, YB, Josh, Prof, and I were in class. 

We started class going over flower sweeps starting full guard at Josh's suggestion. We also were taught how to take someone's back from the sweep and how to counter your opponent if they push against you (modified flower sweep). Additionally, we went over a collar choke from full mount that then led to pinning in the opponents defending arm against them and advancing into an S mount and attacking using submissions (modified americana, kimura, and regular armbar). 

We ended class with rolling where Chad decided to rip my shirt like if he was peeling a wax strip off of the hide of a grizzly. This was duly noted.

 All and all another good day of BJJ.



Tony (purple) = 4

Josh M. (blue-2) = 16

Duy (white-3) = 26

Sam (white-3) = 12

Eddie (white-1) = 27

Chad (white-1) = 24

Brady (white) = 39

Caleb (white) = 6

Abner (white) = 3

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