Saturday, August 24, 2024


Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Chad, Brady, and Abner.  I practiced for 90 minutes with Jason and Josh before this class.

I taught four side control escapes today, focusing on recovering guard, submitting the opponent via Kimura, and also shucking them by with an under hook.  

Sam took the day off from live rolling since he had five practice days this week, and two of those had one hour of flow/drill rolling with just me, coupled with an entire practice of free rolls against the class.  

Duy, Chad, Brady, and Abner were able to get in three five-minute rounds, one against every other person, and Brady called me out so I could experience "the bad side of BJJ."

Sam's Recap:

Recap- Prof, Duy, Chad, Abner, YB, and myself all in attendance. 

Side control escapes were taught and the arm bars they can result in, if executed properly. 

We followed this up with a brief foray into the world of single leg takedowns. That's all I remember on that. 

Rolling time came and I chose to sit out while the rest of the ukes participated. I was called out twice: once by the little bastard, and once by Abner. I resisted the urge to get out there and instead watched their rolls, which were lively.  I look forward to Monday when we can do it all over again. 

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 4

Josh M. (blue-2) = 15

Duy (white-3) = 26

Sam (white-3) = 12

Eddie (white-1) = 27

Chad (white-1) = 23

Brady (white) = 38

Caleb (white) = 6

Abner (white) = 2

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