Saturday, June 29, 2024


Today's class had me, Eddie, and Brady. Duy had an excused absence, and Sam was traveling to Dallas, TX.  We reviewed arm bars from guard, cross collar choke from mount, and side control escapes.  

The end consisted of positional/situational rolling for Eddie and Brady.


Brecap - Today was a light off class consisting of myself, Eduardo, and Prof. "ChAUX" and Tony were nowhere to be found today; maybe they got lost on the way. 

During stretching we discussed the dental hygiene of our ancestors and the nuances of forensics in archeological discovery. Im not gonna claim to really know what some of those words mean. 

We began by reviewing some basics like armbars from guard and cross collar from mount; nice, refreshing review and all. The fan fell at least 4 times, at this point I expect retaliation from the fan and Eddie's children will be asking why he has a welt in the shape of a fan blade on his face.
We then changed gears into a series of drilling escapes and working from all the major positions in short intervals. It was basically like rolling, and by the end of it we were pooped. 

All in all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 3

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 28

Eddie (white-1) = 21

Chad (white-1) = 10

Brady (white) = 22

Caleb (white) = 4

FRIDAY, 28 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Josh M., Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

Today's class focused on side control escapes and a review of the hip bump sweep.

Sam's Recap:

Recap- work got in the way a bit this morning and I was late. I very much hate being late, just so you know.
We worked on a hip bump sweep and I looked like it was my first day with prosthetic limbs when I tried to demonstrate it with Edward during drilling. Safe to say the ukes will not have to fear the hip bump sweep from me for some time. 

We also worked on escapes from side control.  Edward and I had our fourth civil roll in a row. Prof throttled me and Brady multiple times and with the same subs. At this point I don't feel like I need to name the subs. We all know what he does...😉 we missed Chad, and Duy. 

As it was just Prof. Josh, Edward, Brady and me.  Also after Edward left there was back and forth about whether Edward was forcing Ginny to get out there and mow before it rained or not. 

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 3

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 28

Eddie (white-1) = 20

Chad (white-1) = 10

Brady (white) = 21

Caleb (white) = 4

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Today's session was a training session with me, Jason, and Eddie.  I got seven rounds in.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 27

Eddie (white-1) = 19

Chad (white-1) = 10

Brady (white) = 20

Caleb (white) = 4

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Today was a simple no gi open mat session. Eddie, Sam, and Brady were in attendance at start time. Chad rolled up about 30 minutes late, and Duy arrived about an hour after training started due to a follow up with his doctor.

I am currently unaware of any shenanigans, though Sam did feel the need to press his forearm on my throat as I was coaching him AFTER a rolling session. My right hand was free and did not do anything untoward.  In my opening round with Brady, I did secure a foot lock he believes to be somewhat unnecessary.

Student Recap:

OK- lot of chatter out there.  Settle down.

Prof, myself, Chad (late), Brady, Eddy and Duy (late but approved ahead of time) all participated. No drilling just rolling. 

Edward and I added two more "civil" rolls to our tally and now stand at three. I am not opening a bottle of champagne up yet but it is certainly the beginning of a trend. 

Chad, on the other hand, came at me with a vengeance, nearly knocking me off the mat. 
Brady dressed like me for the third day straight and is taking the Big Ennis/Little Ennis thing seriously. 

Prof was.....well he was Prof. which means legs and arms were pulled off of each of us and wrist locks were applied at every turn. I didn't get to roll with Duy, but he is back to having two working eyes so good on that.  At this point I think I need to crowd source a bit since the ukes are already squawking so. You guys got anything to add?

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 16

Sam (white-2) = 27

Eddie (white-1) = 18

Chad (white-1) = 10

Brady (white) = 20

Caleb (white) = 4

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Josh M., Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady. Chad must have overslept, gotten lost, and had his car break down.

Today focused on half-guard, with one sweep and a couple of back takes being drilled.  I briefly reviewed the hip bump sweep and will address more time on Friday.

Student Recap:

Recap- great to have Josh Moss back with us.

Also in attendance were young Brady, Edward (who again knocked over the fan), and a one eyed Duy. After I heard the story of his injured eye, I secretly wanted him to pull out an eye patch when we rolled. That would be straight up intimidating to roll with a guy his size sporting an eye patch. 

Prof demonstrated some half guard sweeps and we also worked in the hip bump sweep and other things I am forgetting at the moment. I think everyone got in roughly five rolls. 

Edward and I had a very civil roll together which only means the next one is liable to be a death match. I don't know why it's that way. Ok that's not true I usually escalate. Oh well, I will try to string together two civil rolls with him and maybe we will have a trend, who knows we might start cuddling together at work after a while.  

All and all another good day of BJJ. 

P.S. There were no call outs or belt throwing.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 15

Sam (white-2) = 26

Eddie (white-1) = 17

Chad (white-1) = 9

Brady (white) = 19

Caleb (white) = 4

Saturday, June 22, 2024


I lifted this morning with Josh M. and he joined me and Jason in our BJJ training.  I got in a total of seven, five-minute rounds (four vs. Josh and three vs. Jason). It's good to have Josh back from Thailand.

Today's regular class had me, Duy, Sam, Chad, Brady, and Caleb. Butterfly guard passes were on the agenda, with four variations being practiced. I had three additional rounds, with one quite curious round beyond these occurring. 

I believed I was finished after my second round against Sam. I placed my belt back in my bag and sat in front of the fan. To my surprise, Sam invaded the sanctity of my bag, retrieved my belt, and then threw it to me, stating that he could not let our final round be the defining statement of his BJJ progress thus far. 

In short, he challenged a black belt of 12 years to a fight 😂. I may have neglected to set the timer. 

Sam: "How much time's left in this round?"

Me: "All of it."

(Credit goes to Cole Dobbins for the above imaginary interchange).

Sam's Recap:

Prof summed it up pretty well. It might not have been one of the better decisions I have made in my 55 trips around the sun.

However, at least I don't have to wonder what happens now when you challenge your Prof, and I can steer other ukes away from such things in the future.

Tony (purple) = 2

Josh M. (blue-2) = 1

Duy (white-3) = 14

Sam (white-2) = 25

Eddie (white-1) = 16

Chad (white-1) = 9

Brady (white) = 18

Caleb (white) = 4

FRIDAY, 21 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

Today we covered four side control escapes and introduced another option but did not practice it in depth.

Sam's Recap:

Early recap- this will be two parts today. I will rely on young Brady to add any color needed since I had to leave early. 

The value of the under hook was established in our drilling today and branched off into several if/then scenarios. Very eye opening. I was pressed on time so I got one roll in with young Brady who was a handful. I dressed and while I was putting on my shoes I saw something I had not seen before. Prof.   took Duy's belt and used it as a lariat and roped it around his arm so it would be motionless as he took his back and submitted him. 

That clearly falls under the category of a DSB tactic. So at this point in our journey we can safely say that we have not been coddled as we have been introduced to leg locks, heel hooks, innumerable wrist locks, the bastard and now the lasso. 

All and all another good day of BJJ.

PS take it from here Brady.

Brady's Recap:

Brecap - The subsequent rolls were valuable and fun, one of which the penetrative properties of Eddie's appendages were mentioned. 

On the next, Duy got a successful Americana on me that put my frail, brittle arm out of commission for the day. 

It was also discussed that I would not win against a Komodo dragon, which I believe to be a fair assessment. 

All in all another good day of BJJ

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 13

Sam (white-2) = 24

Eddie (white-1) = 16

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 17

Caleb (white) = 3

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Today was just an open mat drilling/rolling session.

Between 9:00 am and 10:00 am, I got in six, five-minute rounds with Sam before he had to depart to a doctor's appointment.

Jason, Duy, and Brady arrived at 10:00 am.  We got two, five-minute rounds against each opponent.

Sam's Recap:

Recap- had to go early and get some rolls in prior to a doctors appt, so Prof accommodated me. I think we got 6 rolls in.
He commented before the last one that he had not wrist locked me and during the middle of our last roll I told him it was because he lacked the skill. Well I don't have to tell you how that ended up, but it was still fun to say it. 😉 

I told young Brady on the way out that he would need to carry the recap across the finish line since I was leaving early and would surely miss some shenanigans employed at the expense of my fellow ukes.  So Brady, what do you have for us?

Brady's Recap:

Brecap - After Sam riled Kris up, it was Prof, Jason, Duy, and myself there today to simulate murder. When I walked in the lights were all off which made me question if illicit activities were going on prior to my arrival but that's neither here nor there. We did a number of rolls, one of which Prof decided to use to show me a new submission from wrestling, which made me discover new neck muscles. Duy unfortunately crossed his legs while on my back, a highly unfortunate mistake I could not let slide. There was also an instance in which Prof cried out in pain with Jason on top of him but it appeared to be more pain of the heart rather than pain of the body. Oh yeah, and we also had very revelatory commentary on Duy's initials of DP.
All in all another good day of BJJ

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 12

Sam (white-2) = 23

Eddie (white-1) = 15

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 16

Caleb (white) = 3

MONDAY, 17 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, Chad, and Brady.  We covered guard openings (closed guard) and guard passes, arm bar escapes, and I helped Brady with his triangle chokes. At the end, I am introduced straight ankle locks.

Student Recap:

Recap--- Duy, Chad, Edward, Prof., Brady and I were present and accounted for today.  Guard passing was covered along with escaping an arm bar. 

We also worked on ankle locks. 

Three rolls were offered and wrist locks and bread cutters were on the menu AGAIN, at least for me. 

We did establish that Prof's nearly broken nose on Friday was retaliatory, as he has previously denied Edward a triangle earlier in the roll. It is rumored that Edward quoted the indomitable Dusty Rhodes  saying, "paybacks is hell babydoll" right before going for the nose.  

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 11

Sam (white-2) = 22

Eddie (white-1) = 15

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 15

Caleb (white) = 3

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Today saw me and Jason get in a training session while I cancelled the later noon class.  Jason has a great set-up for what Sam is referring to as "The Bastard," and I look forward to seeing it in action. I utilized a lot of my wrestling background against Jason today. 

Otherwise, it was not too eventful.

FRIDAY, 14 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.  We opened with a warm-up roll before Eddie arrived, which led to me reviewing a half-guard sweep in the actual class setting.

I reviewed the set-up and execution of the bread cutter choke and then two modifications based on opponent defenses.  In an open question session, Duy asked for another half-guard sweep, so we drilled that.

Sam had to leave before rolling, so he missed Eddie cause me to bleed with a head butt from inside of my guard.  

Student Recap:

Recap- Edward, Duy, young Brady and I were there today. Chad was not. Terms like aux were thrown around.  🤔 

The session started innocently enough with Prof having us do warm up rolls and drills followed.  Back to that in a moment. 

In a single conversation between drills, we covered Jake the Snake Roberts having a venom-less cobra and having it bite the Macho Man AND we defined exegesis. That might be one of the most enjoyable things about our cohort and I don't think you could find that anywhere else. 

Back to the BJJ, Prof observed my attempts at simulated murder during flow rolling and used the techniques I "misapplied" as drilling points. I of course predicted he would do that and obliged him by doing techniques that I have long since mastered, incorrectly, so that he would have some teaching points. 

Prof taught us three versions of the bread cutter/Pearson choke and a sweep from half guard when someone gets  an under hook.  

I also witnessed first hand one of the dirtier, I would even go as far as to say unnecessary, submissions I have ever seen Prof execute when he went from I think a bread cutter to an arm bar only to submit with a wrist lock. Or was it a double submission? I'm 🤔 not sure. Prof has a habit of drawing submissions out at times. It's like reading a Stephen King book and knowing a character is going to get killed but having to wait to see what implement the villain will choose to kill them with. I am very pleased with that description by the way. 

I feel like I am leaving out somethings so I want to crowd source and open it up to my fellow ukes at this point.  Anything I missed? 

Anyway, all and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 10

Sam (white-2) = 21

Eddie (white-1) = 14

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 14

Caleb (white) = 3

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Today was a no gi training session/open mat with me, Sam, and Brady.  

Student Recap:

Recap- After many rolls today, lost count. A theme kind of developed. Prof weaved it in and out of nearly, probably, every roll. The theme was "Make Wrist Locks Great Again".  Brady and I firmly maintain that he had written a number down before we started that he was trying to hit. If the number was south of 13 by my count he was successful. 

He also applied "the bastard".  What is "the bastard" you ask? Prof will have to explain. The name is a place holder until he names it. In the meantime, nature abhors a vacuum so I went ahead and named it, and I would offer that the name fits the thought that goes through your head when you succumb to it.

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 20

Eddie (white-1) = 13

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 13

Caleb (white) = 3


Today was a training session with me, Jason, and Brady.

We, in round robin fashion, had ten, five-minute rounds.  Jason tried to rip Brady's left arm off, but otherwise it was uneventful.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 19

Eddie (white-1) = 13

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 12

Caleb (white) = 3

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

MONDAY, 10 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

Our focus was on back escapes, an arm bar from the back, and reviewing chokes from the back. We had two, five-minute rounds.

Student recap:

It was Edward, Brady, Prof and I. 

Brady forgot a key component of Gi BJJ, namely the Gi itself. Prof bailed him out with a Gi for a 12 year old and although a little big, it worked out fine. I was a little jealous, however, of him getting to sport Profs old white belt, the one with the blood on it. 

Scoop escapes and chokes when you have taken someone's back were practiced.  Never thought I would say it but I grew weary from continuously choking Prof today. Rolling was fun and Prof showed restraint, there's that word again, we will need to define it at some point.  For now, it just means that he didn't wrist lock me or apply a submission that him and Jason had worked out after spending weeks in a lab. Chad was a no show, but he did text this time.

All and all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 19

Eddie (white-1) = 13

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 11

Caleb (white) = 3

Saturday, June 8, 2024


I trained with Jason prior to the noon class.  We got in nine, five-minute rounds in 90°-plus weather (today's high temperature was 98°).

Today's class had me, Sam, Caleb, and Brady.  I covered the lasso sweep and the introduction to the De La Riva guard, focusing on entry and control with one sweep being taught.  Caleb is nursing soreness from many rounds of golf, so he did not roll.  Sam and Brady got in two, five-minute rounds.  

Student recap.  

NOTE: We have our first multiple student recaps, which may help fill in gaps.

Recap time- Lasso guard and De La Riva sweeps and things that can naturally develop off of them were explored today.  

Caleb, Brady, Prof and I were there. Edward and Chad (this is starting to be a theme on Chad's vacation weeks) were missed. Light rolling afterwards. Yes, I know what you are thinking it was controlled and light to medium. 

The words of "restraint" and "earned" were also explained as well as the decriminalizing of certain moves that are supposed to be employed on colored belts only. 

In keeping with the idea of restraint, I will not use any creative license to describe other things that went on.  Funny, however, Prof was a little run down from rolling with Jason earlier and how whenever he is not involved in rolling, exotic techniques and dark arts are not the order of the day. Although, he did show us another one while drilling that when employed will explode someone's elbow. 

All in all, another good day of BJJ.

Additional student recap/retort:

I'd like to emend the recap.  Sam got a well earned Pearson choke on Prof and then an equally well earned Pearson choke on myself that made my hands feel like I was in the army ant scene of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Also the fan was knocked over, which I believe was a result of Eddie, though that may be a statement of controversy to some.

First student response:

Ah, thanks for the assist.  

I had forgotten some details. How Eddie knocked over the fan again, I don't know, but it's undeniable that he did.  I did choke Prof today. Again, we will need to explore the concept of earning...

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 18

Eddie (white-1) = 12

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 10

Caleb (white) = 3

Friday, June 7, 2024

FRIDAY, 07 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

The X-pass and two follow up standing passes when an opponent defends the X-pass were studied and practiced today.  Eddie and Sam had two, five-minute rounds today while Brady and I observed from the sidelines.

Student recap:

Recap- great guard passing techniques involving grips and opening bags of potato chips were taught. Attendance was sparse as Duy and Chad weren't with us. Nonetheless, we plowed on. 

The dojo was invaded with a bit of a Viking berserker spirit today that seemed to affect one of the combatants during rolling.  He didn't heed the "flow roll" rules as a result.  No one was injured, young Brady was "tired" due to working till midnight. And prof was very restrained other than threatening an impossible Breadcutter during extra curriculars on someone who he has traumatized with said choke. All in all another good day of BJJ.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 17

Eddie (white-1) = 12

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 9

Caleb (white) = 2

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Today's session was a no gi open mat.  Duy, Sam, and Eddie came in to train and get added time in, with everyone getting 6 or 7 five-minute rounds.

Sam fell victim to something Jason and I have been trying on each other with limited success. I may have positioned Eddie in front of the mirrors such that I could look at myself, or check on his level of distress, as I applied a RNC.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 9

Sam (white-2) = 16

Eddie (white-1) = 11

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 8

Caleb (white) = 2

Student recap:

Recap-Eddie hit me twice today; kind of surprising the tactics he employs at times. He hit my shoulder with his face as I was attempting to pass his guard and then he proceeded to hit my hand with his face the second time I tried to pass his guard. 

Everyone got in 6-7 rolls today and in general it was fun with a few exceptions. Prof apparently is trying to teach all of us (me) a good wrist lock defense game by employing them frequently. He also did something dirty to Eddie and hammed it up in the mirror with a mischievous grin and then he applied an "unknown" sub on me. He was "in his element".  All in all another good day of BJJ.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Today was a training session between me and Jason.  We had eight, five-minute rounds.

Jason had a sneaky set up to a toe hold that I did not see coming.

MONDAY, 03 JUNE 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, and Chad.

We started with a question on the cross collar choke, with one palm up and one palm down. Based on "typical" responses from opponents, we transitioned into a Kimura, returning to secure the choke attempt, transitioning to Americana, and also achieving a back take. So, really four techniques.

Then, I had Duy and Chad work on situational sparring by working on escapes/achieving submissions from positions for one minute from side control, full mount, and 90 seconds from half guard and opponent on back.

Tony (purple) = 2

Duy (white-3) = 8

Sam (white-2) = 15

Eddie (white-1) = 10

Chad (white-1) = 8

Brady (white) = 8

Caleb (white) = 2

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Before the regular class today, I trained with Jason at Casa de Compton.  We got in 10, five-minute rounds.

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, Chad, and Caleb.  I announced that, due to nearly an hour of rolling with Jason that any free rolls with me were likely to be less than cordial since, like Freddie Mercury, "I want to break free."

We started off standing with kumikata to warm up our hands.  We then focused on side control escapes, complete with a few rounds of positional escapes vs. a resisting opponent.  

Student recap:

Recap time- new techniques were taught, new techniques were tried . But, before we get into it , I would be remiss is I didn't mention that Edward recommended that we buy our wives Ginny and Ann gis for the purposes of collar grabs and keeping them off balance and yanking them around. I was shocked at this and didn't know what to think. 

Now that we have that out of the way, I joined select company today. I had prof in well earned side control again and wanted to try a new technique he taught us which is lifting our head to drop our weight on the opponent. I followed his instructions to the letter like the good Uke that I am and he slapped me.  So, my timing may have been a bit off as I was accused of synchronizing the weight drop as he was verbally explaining technique to the rest of the Ukes so that I could hear his voice change. 

Apparently, I joined Nicholas Nix as the second person to be slapped at AFR as he was slapped by Ethan a decade ago. So that basically makes me a black belt in my mind.  

Chad enlightened us on a squirrel tattoo design that sounded promising. Brady was out getting a tattoo which is another unexcused absence. Caleb learned to bridge which I can't say will be a good thing for me going forward. 

All in all another good day of BJJ.

Friday, May 31, 2024

FRIDAY, 31 MAY 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Chad.

We started with three minute kumikata warm-ups, switching partners twice.  We then reviewed o soto gari and introduced sasae tsurikomi ashi.  

We returned to the ground and reviewed the foot drag mount escapes before adding the foot drag to the mix.

In live action drilling, one person started in mount and the other was tasked with escaping in one minute. Top person was permitted to attempt submissions. Then, switch.  Each person was in top and bottom positions with the other three students, and even with rest time, the consensus is that the one minute escapes are taxing.  I had two, five-minute rounds with Chad and Eddie once Sam departed, and I started in disadvantageous positions to help my escapes and their retention skills.

Sam forgot his wedding band.  While an earlier recap alludes to penalties for leaving one's belt behind (pun intended), penalties for leaving the symbol of one's commitment to marriage have not yet been pondered. I may need to reference LAW to determine possible sanctions.

Student recap:

Recap- I am sitting in my office with the door shut and the light off and wanting to go to sleep. Today was rough. Somewhere between the Osoto gari refresher and Sasae.

I left my left big toe on the floor while attempting a move.  We learned another mount escape using our leg to either hold or lift the foot of our opponent. 

Chad farted on Eddie. Duy got a new Gi and we did situational sparring where in my final round Eddie threw me around like an inflatable ball in the shallow end of the pool. 

The sparring rounds were tough and now my head hurts and I left my wedding ring at AFR. Thankfully Prof is keeping it for me. If the AC would just go out on my car it would be a perfect day. Oh yeah that already happened. 

All in all though I do have to say it was another good day of BJJ.


Today's session was a simple open mat that permitted free sparring, flow rolling, drilling positions, and situational sparring.  We had Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady partaking.

Recap-Thanks to Prof for letting us big kids (Brady I'm including you in that statement) out for recess on a Wednesday. 

Highlight of the day was someone getting a bread cutter applied not named Sam. First time for everything. I wonder what was going through profs. mind? "Oh, no this isn't Sam, I choked the wrong guy!"

The flow rolls were fun today, and Edward and I achieved a level of civility that we had not previously experienced while rolling with each other. 

We covered US and UK dialects in discussion time, and I suspect that will be on the blue belt test also. No fans knocked down while I was there, no one kicked in the face, no bloody noses. The rules behind what happens to articles of clothing (BJJ belts) that are left on the floor were more thoroughly explained. 

All in all another good day of BJJ.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

TUESDAY, 28 MAY 2024

Today was a training session for me and Jason.  We had eight, five-minute rounds.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MONDAY, 27 MAY 2024

Today's class had me, Duy, Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

We started off standing, focusing on kumikata before moving to o-soto-gari. 

On the ground, we reviewed four mount escapes, from the trap arm/trap leg and "Pedro Sauer," to the foot drag and frame/shrimp.

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Prior to the regular noon class, I trained with Jason. We got in 12, five-minute rounds.  Eddie and his sons dropped by to watch two black belts train no gi.

Today's class had me, Tony, Duy, Sam, Eddie, Brady, and Eddie's sons.

We drilled arm bar from the guard, cross collar choke from the guard, back takes from opponent defenses to the cross collar choke, and then three kesa gatame escapes. I had each student get in the middle and escape from the other four attempting to hold kesa. Afterwards, three, five-minute rounds were provided.

Student recap:

Well I am home I have taken my two Advil. I have treated myself to a Whataburger combo upsized with a strawberry shake. I am now in my recliner thinking of all the things I committed to LAW I would do today and they seem pretty daunting right now. 

Today was a straight up beat down of a day IMHO. And I think there might have been a bit of strategy behind that. Remembering that Profs initials are DSB for good reason, he went to the well  again on headlock escapes and showed us a couple of throws from the ground. Then he had us do bull in the ring or monkey in the middle, one forgets.  That would have been a good stopping point for I think all of us. 

But then the timer was set for simulated murder and could this have had anything to do with the fact that he had participated in black on black crime to the tune of 12 rolls with Jason earlier and he wanted us to feel as bad as he did? If that was the strategy I would give him an A because it worked. 

There is a 50/50 chance that I might wake up in my recliner tomorrow morning having not moved an inch.  Line of the day goes to Tony for telling Duy mid roll, "oh no you don't get a bread cutter on me" or something to that effect. Also, good to see the whole Garner tribe, nice of Eddie to give Ginny a little respite from lawn duty. I am sure he has chores lined up for her when she gets home. 

All in all another good day of BJJ.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

FRIDAY, 24 MAY 2024

 Today's class had me, Sam, Eddie, Chad, and Brady.

The first hour was just a training session with me and Sam.  We had six, five-minute rounds.

When everyone else arrived, we worked on three headlock escapes (none of which were kesa gatame escapes).  Then we had three, SIX-minute rounds, though Sam had to leave and did not free roll against the other students.

Student recap:

Not sure if it is bad form to send a recap so soon, but here goes. 

Six rolls with Prof before everyone got there. He was  "gentle". Drilled head lock escapes with at least three alternatives. Edward looked like he fought the law and .......the law won, (the law being the building ,Brady that is a lyric from a song that was popular before you were born). Brady seems recovered from whatever it was that ailed. You all will have to fill in the blanks on what transpired during your rolling time. All in all another good day of BJJ.

Friday, May 24, 2024


Today was just a training session for me and Jason.  We had eight, five-minute rounds.

TUESDAY, 21 MAY 2024

 Today was just a training session for me and Jason.  We had eight, five-minute rounds.

Monday, May 20, 2024

MONDAY, 20 MAY 2024

Today's class had me, Sam, Eddie, and Chad.

The hip bump sweep, which I always call the "Rickson sweep" since he was the first I saw perform it, was covered in exhaustive detail and with numerous repetitions.  In case the opponent reacts, I also taught a response into Kimura.  Three, five minute, round robin rolls were provided (though Eddie and I rolled again).

Student recap:

Recap- I am exhausted. 🥱 three rolls today did the trick. We covered the hip bump and how to get someone into a shoulder lock if they crash on you as you are performing the hip bump sweep. Prof wrist locked me. I didn't care for that too much. He didn't care that I didn't care for it and did it anyway. Edward and I did positional sparring and I thought it went well. Prof dragged Edward across the mat to reposition him, a move we usually only do on young  Brady.  Brady is up to a 3 day suspension for unexcused absences. It was good to have Chad back and he didn't tune me up one single time today so that was nice. Prof employed a variety of submissions on Edward, I tried to distract him but it was to no avail.  Little recap on the Roman method of bleaching togas which WILL be on the blue belt test.  All and all another good day of BJJ. And I got to wear my new Gi.

****I now have an editor so I'm not sure if the unabridged recap will appear on the blog or a revision.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


 Today's class had me, Duy, and Chad.

So as not to leave them behind, I covered the exact same material as the previous day with Sam and Eddie.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

FRIDAY, 17 MAY 2024

 Today's class had me, Sam, and Eddie.

The first hour was simply six, five-minute roll sessions between me and Sam as we waited Eddie's arrival.

The teaching aspect focused on a sleeve grip to back take or, if blocked, into a half-guard sweep.  When Sam had to depart, Eddie and I focused on reviewing the triangle choke and omoplata before four, five-minute rolls.

Student recap is as follows:

Recap- the transmission of eye gonorrhea to infants was covered today and I did confirm that it along with 15th century birth rates for both peasants and nobility WILL be on the blue belt test should any of us progress to that point.

Now to the BJJ. Had to go early and roll with Prof. Him "forgetting" to set a time on the first roll was an omen.  We had five rolls and then Edward came and we drilled. If you ever had the experience of being taken to a store as a kid and promised something only to not get it or to have it taken away you can empathized with what I am about to share. In side control prof allowed me to grab his lapel with one hand and feed my other hand under his back to enact my inaugural "Pearson" choke on him.  Visions of what I would do after I applied it and he tapped were dancing through my head, would I act like it was no big deal? Would I let out a Rick Flair wooohoooo? Well, we will never know. He gave me false hope only to get out of it and leave me grasping for air. How did he do it? I don't even know, he just did. I think it was one of the more dirty things he has done to me. 

Prof demonstrated a duck under to load our opponent in side control and I was suddenly happy that Chad was a no call/no show, no doubt he would have used it as an opportunity to tune me up. Brady was not there either, something about sick and needing penicillin. I'll leave that right there. All and all another good day of BJJ.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Today was just a training session with me and Jason.  We had nine, five-minute rolls.  

MONDAY, 13 MAY 2024

 Today's class had Sam, Eddie, and Brady.

We covered the cross collar from full mount, reviewed a couple of mount escapes, and covered how to attack the opponent's turtle in order to set a clock choke.  

We did not roll since Brady was stuck on zombie mode from weekend concert attendance and the others had a work trip to begin.

Student recap:

Recap- once again I spent time in full mount on Prof and also submitted him with a clock choke.  If you must know the details it was during drilling not rolling. 

Young Brady had about as much life in him as an 92 year old on life support. Something about a mosh pit. 

Chad was a no call/no show. 

Edward was there. 

We revisited the fertility rates or women of child bearing age in 15th century England and again the peasants faired worse than nobility. 

No one was up to rolling. 

But we did learn clock choke from mount and a choke on someone in the turtle position, both were refreshers. Finally, we learned that the ass whipping Eddie and I have stored up for Charles will have to wait a bit. All and all another good day of BJJ. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday, 11 May 2024

 Today's class was simply Duy and Sam.  No problem, however.

We covered three mount escapes, and then set up scenarios in which to move between those three mount escapes versus a thinking opponent.  As an aside, we examined defenses to knee slide passes.  

Friday, May 10, 2024

FRIDAY, 10 MAY 2024

Today's class had me, Jason, Sam, Eddie, and Chad.  We work on transitioning from side control to kesa gatame, escapes vs. the bread cutter choke, and S-mount movement.  Four, five minute rolls were provided.


 Today's session was just a training session with me, Sam, and Brady.  We each had six rounds.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Today was just a training session with me and Jason.  Due to weekday time constraints, we had seven, five-minute rolls. 

MONDAY, 6 MAY 2024

 Today's 10:00 am class had Sam and Brady in attendance.

We covered arm bars from guard, transitions from guard to back, omoplata, and the clock choke on a turtled opponent.

SUNDAY, 5 MAY 2024

 Today was simply a training session with me and Jason.  We had 14, five-minute rolls.  

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Today's class:

We covered lapel chokes using the lower part of the lapel, the flower sweep, and the baseball bat choke.

Five, five-minute rolls were provided.

FRIDAY, 3 May 2024

 Today was a simple training session with me, Jason, and Sam at Jason's house.

It was round-robin, with each person staying in for two five-minute rounds and then sitting one out.  

From here on, I will be keeping track of classes attended for "promotion purposes."  Classes does not equate to automatic promotion, of course, but it provides a good gauge.


Today's class had Sam, Eddie, Chad, and Brady.

I promoted Sam to two stripes on his white belt, Eddie to one stripe on his white belt, and Chad to one stripe on his white belt.  Unfortunately, Chad changed out before I obtained a picture.